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Planning Board Minutes 8/22/11
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
August 22, 2011

Members present:  BMarshall, PRenaud, KO’Connell, MSteere, MBorden, RWimpory

7:00 p.m. RMarshall opened the meeting.  

7:01 p.m. MSteere began reading the August 8, 2011 meeting minutes and concluded the reading at 7:06 p.m.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.

7:11 p.m. MBorden motioned to accept the minutes as amended. PRenaud seconded the motion.  RMarshall called for a vote.  MSteere abstained.  Vote carried in favor.

7:13 pm Mail Received:

  • NH Environmental Brochure – “Instituting Water Restrictions in Dry Times, etc.”
  • Town of Greenfield List of Committee members
  • SWRPC Commission Highlights dated July 2011
  • Greenfield Building Permits 2011 Y-T-D
  • Correction of the lot numbers on the new zoning regulations that we passed last Spring for the CMREC  
RMarshall read the changes in lot numbers for the CMREC zoning regulation.  MSteere moved to accept the technical changing of the corrected lot numbers listed in the zoning ordinance on the CMREC district.  KO’Connell seconded the motion.  Vote carried in favor.

7:18 p.m.  CIP

Packets were handed out and RMarshall commented that it looks like the public hearing on the CIP will be, tentatively, on October 10, 2011.

MBorden said he has figures for the CIP for the Recycling Center.  Six items have been prioritized for the Center.
  • Purchase another compactor/ box for mixed paper; cost $25K
  • Build a dock; cost $30K. Carol feels it is very congested in the back so she wants to build an area where she could have 4 storage trailers and be able to drive the forklift up to the box to move the items. Her goal is to make more revenue for the Recycling Center.
  • Purchase a 4 sectioned container for separating recyclables.
  • Purchase two metal containers; cost $14K.
  • Build front and rear overhangs on the current building to provide coverage for town folk to have in a dry area.  The overhang would also allow the mixed paper not to get wet.
  • Purchase another compactor and box to for plastic; cost $15K.  
RWmpory asked if there was some way the Town could do the hauling using our trucks for the Recycling Center.  One idea is if the town crew can’t work because of raining, then thru coordination, the town crew and truck go deliver the compacted paper to the processing center.  MSteere said perhaps charging $.50 per bag will encourage people to recycle more.    KO’Connell asked about some of the things that are coming down the line, as in state regulations, and has the state prioritized what is most important.  MSteere said coordination between departments will help in getting a lot of the priorities for the Town eliminated before we are forced to spend money to comply with state regulations.

RMarshall questioned’ “We have some information on the Town’s roads, but I am wondering who took on the equipment portion of the DPW?”  KO’Connell said he will get the information on the equipment from the DPW to complete the CIP.  RMarshall gave KO’Connell a copy of the hardcopy of the CIP for completion.

RMarshall said, “We are a bit behind the in our scheduling on the CIP, but it appears that JSpringer/Zephyr Lake Cell Tower hearing will be tentatively scheduled for October 2011.  RMarshall thanked all for their work done in gathering information for the CIP.  RMarshall said he will have supporting data about the library to MSteere after the September 7 Library Trustees meeting.

PRenaud questioned about the scheduling of cell tower for September 12. He asked if the Planning Board received the information requested, could the public hearing still happen.  KO’Connell and SRossi replied, “No. We can’t make the paper in time for notification.”

8:13 p.m. Groundwater Discussion:

Definitions:   add a paragraph at end of definitions to state... “Anything arises from the ordinance, that isn’t clearly defined, must be brought before the Planning Board.”   KO’Connell asked to make that statement part of the ground water ordinance. After further discussion, the PB decided not to include that language.
Definition: Designee:  add “...qualified professional whose credentials are acceptable by DES.”  

Regulated substances:  add State regulations to this paragraph

Prohibited Uses:   keep items 6, 20 & 21.  Remove item #22.

Performance Standards:   keep item 5 as is.

RMarshall said there are two things to do:  run document by LMurphy and review the models for the permits.  He will have LMurphy critique the document and then have our lawyer read it.  MSteere said, “Do not send it to our attorney as it will cost us.”    The consensus was not to have the our attorney review the document. RMarshall also said he will forward to CIrwin, Chairperson Conservation Committee, to review as well.

9:03 p.m.   Master Plan discussion:

The last time the Master Plan was done was in 2003.  RMarshall asked, “Does this Board feel we should stay focused on the deadline of 2013 and work on Master Plan for the next 2yrs  at a cost $10K per year or do it in sections on current objectives and goals not met? “

MSteere suggest, “Look at what we did or do not do in the last 10 years and see where we made progress and then do it piecemeal to complete all our goals.”   

RWimpory asked, “Does anyone use the Master Plan?”  RMarshall responded that the Planning Board has not been as diligent in regular review the Master Plan as we should. Clearly, our agenda in the past year has been dominated by other issues. He felt we should have an annual meeting with the Select Board to review progress in the Master Plan.

RMarshall started going through the Master Plan’s objectives showing the accomplishments of Planning Board as well as commenting on the need to finish others.  He then asked the Planning Board members to read and list what they would like to complete or improve upon.  He also asked if the current Planning Board felt that new members who come on board in March 2012 should get a copy of 2003 Master Plan, to get to know it and then discuss new objectives and goals.  He will schedule an annual review of the Master Plan as part of our ongoing agenda following March elections.

RWimpory suggested for the cover page of Master Plan to read “Master Plan”  with revision dates listed to the right on the title.  MSteere advised that Master Plan be put online and update the status on the objectives as well online.

RMarshall said that SWRPC puts the Master Plan together after the Planning Board has supplied the information to them.  He will ask SWRPC to suggest two different methods for development of the Master Plan: a full blown study and a study in which we complete portions of the plan over time so we can get a sense of time and financial resources needed.

9:35 p.m. MBorden moved to adjourn.  KO’Connell seconded. Vote carried in favor.